
Friday, January 4, 2013

Quilters Secrets - Day 6

I hope you have been enjoying the secrets and tips shared so far.  Please be sure to visit Mrs Pickles with her introduction to today's host - Sue - Quilt Times .  I hear she will make you spread your wings and fly.

And Blogger is being a stinker and griefing us with the in-ability to load pictures - auck!!!!  But I need to get to that quilt anyway.

Winner of the Aurifil give away from yesterday - Mr. Random pulled number 20:

Janet said...

I am admiring your jars full of precut blocks. How clever to fill a jar and know it is enough for a quilt!

January 3, 2013 11:55 PM

I will contact her for information and thank you all who visited and commented.
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Congratulations to Janet!!! You lucky gal!

  2. I am one lucky gal! Thanks Sharon for a lovely win.

  3. Way to go, Janet! It was a great giveaway, Sharon -- and now I'm hopping over to check out today's secret!! :)

  4. I haven't tried the directions that Wanda put on her blog this morning. She did get pictures to load into the Picasa... go to Exuberant Color.
