
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Country Charmer QuiltAlong


I joined in this quilt along as I just love this pattern and being able to get some wonderful tips from the designer along the way - bonus.  Lynn of  Sew'nWildOaks is the gracious designer who is posting hints and tips twice a week to help us out.  This venture was collaborated with Lesley of The Cuddle Quilter and Sue of Quilt Times.

There are 53 pieces in each 8.5" unfinished block - but I love how Lynn has this wonderful layout sheet in the pattern.  You just lay out your cuts, so handy to see if your fabrics and colors work.  And just concentrate on one section at a time.  I found that if I stay to working each section in a clockwise direction I stay on track.

I have to admit, I had trouble in the beginning, something that never bothers me as a scrap quilter - pulling fabrics and putting them all together to work in harmony.  But for some reason I just couldn't get it to work!! Scrappy was looking crappy!!  I actually STRESSED - I never stress when quilting - what was wrong?

Now I would have taken a long walk to sort my brain out, but we had a horrible wind storm (trees down, but the roof and all the windows are intact).  And TA DA, Lynn post some tips on how to chose colors here on post #3.  After that it was like a lightbulb moment.

Although I have lots of scraps, I felt I needed a 'base' fabric line to help with this  - so I pulled a layer cake - Harvest Moon.  Now my scraps are starting to click into place.  I, also, decided to stay with one constant background fabric for the blocks.  Gosh, why didn't this sink in earlier?

Even my SIL got into the act of matching up some fabrics.  This block was what she pulled together for me.  I love paisley!  I had to swat her away - she is suppose to be working on her own quilt!
And I have a thing for plaids, too.  So I pulled another block together around this center.  Thank you Lynn for tip #3 or I would still be lost in a pile of pulled fabrics and scraps - although my furries thought it was fun. 
So three blocks were made in a day after being lost for almost 3 weeks!  This is a low pressure quilt along - work at your own speed - take advantage of getting a free class from a well known designer and quilting teacher - don't be afraid to ask for help (note to self).  And at the end of each month, Lesley will have a linky party for us to show off our progress - and there is a flicker group HERE.   And Lynn says there are plenty of patterns back in stock at Inbetween Stitches Shop - hope you join us.
Sewingly Yours,


  1. It is a beautiful block..but wow..all those little pieces..whew!! good job:)

  2. Gorgeous Sharon. I thought it just started and you already have 3 blocks

  3. Sharon they look wonderful. They're a bit addictive aren't they?

  4. I am so impressed! Your post had me laughing and smiling and admiring all the way through it! Your blocks are sensational and very inspiring. I love your plaid centre!

  5. Your blocks are looking oh so pretty!

  6. Sharon these blocks are looking great - thanks for the link to her tips because this is a problem I often have! blessings, marlene

  7. Your blocks are beautiful, thanks for the link to the color picking post, it made sense. I know you're enjoying this one with all of those little pieces.

  8. WOW, your blocks are REALLY pretty. I'm having the same problem. Hope to get something going today.

  9. Great looking blocks. I like that you shared your frustration along the way and how you got thru it. Don't we all struggle sometimes with fabric decisions? A super post on that.

  10. Your blocks look wonderful! I just saw this pattern for the first time yesterday and now I'm wondering if I can fit it into the plan for the year - so easy to get distracted!

  11. Just beautiful Sharon and as I see more and more of these blocks I am so.... tempted .

  12. Your blocks are all great! The soft green corner chains in your Harvest block have such beautiful shading...the distance that the camera lens allows makes me think that you've used a gorgeous piece of Diawabo. OOOOH! There's another Country Charmer idea!

  13. I just love looking at your blocks Sharon. They are just yummy! I can picture you and your furries playing with all of your scraps.....and what great scraps you have! Thank you so much for joining the quilt along.

  14. That looks like a really fun block Sharon! And I love your fabric choices - great job! This is a QAL I need to check out :*D

  15. Wow! A lot of pieces. But then that's what makes a stunning quilt. Love the fabrics you've chosen!

  16. The blocks are beautiful. I love the color combinations and fabrics. So many pieces...They are great.

  17. Wow! So many little pieces! This is going to be a beautiful quilt.
    I'd jump on this challenge if I wasn't trying to finish up some ufo's. Maybe next year.

  18. I am waiting for my pattern to come, have my fabrics picked out. Thanks for all the tips.

  19. Your blocks look just great and this was a very helpful post.

  20. Wow, those are gorgeous blocks, Sharon! Whoop whoop for you!!
