
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Thank You

I am a day late in plans to thank all of you in supporting me, my blog and all blogland activities.  I was observing a day of silence - and thankful for those who posted up the Pillowcases  and Silence & Support for Sandy Hook information.  You are truly all the best.

So to express my thanks to all of you - a Fat Quarter bundle of bright color - I think we all could use a little brightness right now.  The "In Your Words' Blog Hop is around the corner, and there will be lots of inspiration for that great text fabric.  And delicious fruit to go with it (the fruit are a little different in each bundle).  That's 9 FQs of RJR "Farmer's Market" fruit collection - AND I have a bundle for USA followers and a bundle for International followers.  Simply leave me a comment with whether you are USA or International (must be a follower) so I put you in the correct bucket for the draw.  And I will draw winners Christmas - midnight (EST) - like another present to open for me.

My heartfelt Thank You and Blessings to all of you at this time of year,

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Wow love those fruit prints! I live in the US.

  2. Obrigada a você e tenha um Feliz Natal com os seus.Obrigada também por abrir internacional,sou brasileira.
    Que Deus te Abençoe.

  3. Pretty fabrics! I live in the US.

  4. I can't wait for the In My Words hop. That should be really interesting.

    Yes, I think we can all use a litte brightness in our lives after the last week.

  5. US. It's snowing!!!! We may get a white christmas after all. Exciting!

  6. Oh Sharon - you don't have to thank us for doing what we love! But I do like how you say thank you :*) I recently used a fabric with peaches on it for a fruit bowl, and it worked perfectly, so Id love to play around with some of these! Love, Love, Love all that COLOR!!!! You know me - color girl :*D

    I am a US follower!

  7. I'm looking forward to the In Your Words Blog Hop. Should be interesting! I can picture a lovely table topper with all those fruity fabrics. I live in Australia. Thanks for the lovely giveaway Sharon.

  8. I am in love with that fruity goodness..thank you! I'm in the US.

  9. You are so very generous Sharon... Merry Christmas to YOU and your family!
    I'm international...can't get much further away from you actually! We are 1/2 way around the globe from each other! :)

  10. We sure do need some brightness it has been such a sad time.
    I am from Canada.

  11. Happiness and blessing Sharon!
    I'm in the U.S.

  12. I follow and enjoy your blog from here in the U.S.

  13. I follow and enjoy your blog from here in the U.S.

  14. Sharon, I am international-Canada. I love following your blog to see the wonderful projects you are working on and appreciated the day of silence. Thanks for inspiring us!

  15. Sharon you are so generous! I think those fabrics would look great in some I Spy quilts I'm planning for next Christmas.

  16. This fabric would make a great table runner, placemats, coasters, potholders, or a kitchen wall quilt.

    I'm in the USA. Thank you for a great giveaway!

  17. I really like the idea of placemats, thanks for the giveaway. I live in BC, Canada.

  18. I love the fruit fabric. I am a follower and live in the US. Getting ready for a big snow storm, the first we have had this season. Merry Christmas.

  19. Thank you so much! I am following from Switzerland! Merry Christmas to you!

  20. Thank you for the give away. I am following from London UK. I just bought a FQ of the blueberry fabric and the colour is gorgeous and it looks good enough to eat.

  21. Thanks for your thank you. I'm Canadian. Merry Christmas

  22. I love the text prints and the fruits are so yummy. I am from Sweden and a follower of course since long time ago
    Thanks for a great give away

  23. What lovely bright colours -- I enjoy your blog and I'm in the UK

  24. I'm an International follower, from Germany. Thanks a lot for the chance to win and have a happy holiday season! xx

  25. Oh, I am going to have to look for the In Your Words hop! Thanks for inspiring us with your quilts, your hops, your words, and the sheer volume of your creations, from your counted crosstitch quilt, to the paper piecing, to the doll quilts with dolls, and all the other quilty pieces you make!

  26. Whoops--put me into the international pile, please, I live in Sweden!

  27. I am a US follower. Thanks for the chance to win beautiful fabric.

  28. Thank you for this chance and for alerting me to Quilters Corner yesterday. Have a blessed Christmas.

  29. Sharon, you are to sweet!! No need to put me in the giveaway, I just wanted to pop in and wish you and your family a Joyful and Peaceful holiday! Hugs :)

  30. On this rainy, sleeting, day here in CANADA, it is nice to see something so bright.

    What wonderful fabric.

    I am international!

  31. Sharon, you are one of the most gracious quilters I know ... *I* should be thanking *you*! And I do thank you -- for being a sweet bloggy friend and an inspiration in *so* many ways!! Hugs from Alabama! :)

  32. Thought I was a follower on your blog because I read it everyday. But it showed I wasn't so I am now. Lovely fabrics. I live on the west coast of the USA. Thank You

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I love words on fabric and words on quilts ... and that FQ bundle. I just joined the In Your Words blog hop (a space opened up) and I'm excited to see the projects that everyone creates. I'm in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

  35. I am an International follower from Malaysia! Thanks for sharing the beautiful fabrics:)

  36. I am a follower on Google reader from the US. I love fruit and veggie prints, and the white word print is a perfect accompaniment!

  37. Awesome fat quarters! Lovely and cheerful at the same time...I live in the USA

  38. Fantastic fabrics... Thanks for your giveaway! I'm in the US.

  39. Yummy fabrics, thanks for the chance to win your generous giveaway. I live in the USA.

  40. Fun fabrics...would have to use mi imagination with these! Thanks...

  41. U.S. These are unique and cute fabrics. Thanks for the chance to enter.

  42. Such pretty sunny fabrics for a giveaway! I'm a US follower....

    Have a very merry Christmas if I don't get a chance to comment again between now and then, Sharon!!

  43. Sharon it seems to me that bloggers are the warmest and most generous people ever. And I include you in that number! Blessings, Marlene.
    P.S. I'm in Arkansas. :)

  44. These are so pretty and cheerful. Thanks so much for sharing them! I am in the US

  45. Merry Christmas to you, too! From a US follower.

  46. I am from Australia - so I guess that makes me an international follower who loves reading your posts and seeing your gorgeous colour combinations.

  47. Well its official I'm a follower. I've been lurking for sometime from the US. Thanks for a chance to win such a cute bundle!

  48. Thank you, Sharon, for your inspiring blog! I love the idea of the drawing being like present for you:) I live in Atlanta, GA. Merry Christmas!

  49. And I want to say thank YOU! Visiting you blog is like visiting a good friend. Always a positive experience. Trust your Mom is staying well. Joanne an international follower

  50. I am in the U.S. Happy holidays! I so appreciate it that you include our friends on the other side of the pond!

  51. I live in the UK, but am visiting the USfor Christmas! First New Hampshire for the Day itself and then Boston to see in the New Year with friends.

    May the world find better ways in 2013.

  52. Wonderful Thank You gift Sharon. I want to Thank YOU for your wonderful blog and your comments on mine. I am in the U.S. I hope you have a wonderful, blessed Christmas week.

  53. I finally wised up and started following your blog via GoogleReader - I was always missing out on something wonderful. I believe I found your blog via the Design Wall Mondays at Patchwork Times, and would wait til Monday to see what you posted... Much better this way!!!!Wishing you and yours a Blessed Christmas, and a wonder-filled New Year. And since I'm in Texas, I suppose that makes me a USA follower LOL

  54. Love the colors. I following you from Malaysia. Merry Christmas!

  55. Merry Christmas! I am following you (US)
