
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Table Topper Blog Hop


Monday April 16th

Jacque (Snoodles) - Lily Pad Quilting
Lesley - The Cuddle Quilter
Sharon - (ME - you are here)

Tuesday April 17th

Kris - KrisLovesFabric
Marcia - Marcia's Crafty, Sewing, and Quilting
Sheila - Sheila's Quilt World
Josie - JoCrazyMama

Wednesday April 18th

Vickie - A Creative Notion
Deonn - QuiltScapes
Mrs Pickles - Mrs Pickles Garden

Thursday April 19th

Leslie - Lesquilts
Jennifer - That Girl That Quilt
Karen - BriarsideLane
Katherine - Sew Me Something Good

Friday April 20th

Marlene - Stitchin by the Lake
Charlotte - GrammieQ's
Leslie - A Loose Thread
Darlene - Quilting NaNa
Jane - GrandMaMa's Stories
Michelle - L7 Quilt Co.
Cherry - Cherry Blossoms Quilting Studio

Monday April 23rd

Christine - Quilt Monster in my Closet
Just Carol - Just Let Me Quilt
Patty D - A Stitch in Time
Wendy - Why Knot Kwilt
leanne - Daisy and Jack
Elaine M - posting at Sew I Quilt
Judy C - Shade Tree Quilting

Tuesday April 24th

Jennifer - Crafty Imaginings
Roxanne - Scrapbook Chickadoodle
Syd - posting at Sew I Quilt
Selina - Selina Quilts
Connie - Quilting by the River
Patti - PS I Quilt Too
Jane - Jane's Fabrics and Quilts

Wednesday April 25th

Mary - Crooked Gulley Art Quilts
Marianna - Craft Luvver
Thearica - Pigtales and Quilts
Kelly - UnDeniably Domestic
Marnie - posting at Sew I Quilt
Pauline - Quilt N Queen
Mdm Samm - Sew I Quilt **visit daily for information, updates, and give aways**

Many think of April as Easter, Flowers, Spring - it means to me the return of all our favorite little nesting birds. A time when we clean and ready the many nesting boxes and bird houses around the farm. So I chose to make one of our little feather friends' house that hangs from the old (only) birch. The paint isn't as bright any more, but thought this was what it originally looked like. And I added some 3-D leaves and of course - buttons.

I love seeing all the 'Swoon' blocks evolving around the net, but really did not like the thought of a 24" block. Being a scrap quilter who loves to work "tiny", I made a Swoon block using 1.5" blocks and HSTs. Yes - an 8" Swoon - don't you just love it? Just had to photo it in the bed of Flox because that's what it reminds me of. And I am seriously thinking a whole quilt!

And my 'May For Me' Bingo Card will be hanging here during the May quilt bingo game. Being one of the sponsors/hostess, I can only play for fun - and what fun we are going to have. Click on our button on the side bar for more information - it's a month long celebration.

Here are some of my mini's that have had their turn on the Table Top Hanger. At 12" x12" - it will even handle a 14" length - they are quick to make, easy to change a decor, and instant gratification. Your only limitation is your creativity. Please be sure to visit today's other hosts and MSamm - leave a little love.

And being in the Spring mood and building excitement of May For Me - I have a give away - a Jelly Roll of Deb Strain's 'Meadow Friends' for Moda. I will ship international so don't be bashful ** Jelly Roll opened for photo purpose only ** Winner to be announced April 26th **

** winner of the jelly roll was Deb of Stitchin Therapy and confirmation has been made - package mailed out 4/26/12 **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. And a fine Jelly Roll it is! Count me in. Great blog post as usual Sharon.

  2. Another wonderful post, Sharon. So many things going on, you amaze me.
    I saw the quilt you gave Sarah. She posted a picture of it on her blog Sunday. It is beautiful, a gift of love. You and Sarah are always thinking of others and inspire us to do so, too.

  3. Loved your scrappy Swoon block! Pretty! :)
    I loved the yummy jelly roll too! Thanks!

  4. Wow, you get a LOT done! Beautiful!
    Love the mini Swoon, and your table topper for changing out the little quilts easily! I adore the birdhouse too!

  5. I haven't started my Swoon yet and I can't imagine making one with 1.5" blocks!! I love the birdhouse too!

  6. love the mini quilts Sharon,i would love to make some of them but i havent been able to find the stands.xx

  7. You showed some wonderful minis. I specially loved the birdhouse, and the snowman. You are almost convincing me that I need to make some too.

  8. There are so many things I love here...I love how you presented the schedule, I love how you took pictures of your frames outside, I love all your table toppers, especially the bird house and the Swoon, I love your new graphics rolling through your post, and I love your giveaway! A wonderful start to the hop!

  9. I love your miniquilts! And that jelly roll is lovely!

  10. Love your little quilts, especially the Swoon block! This blog hop should be fun -- I love table runners. Thanks for the lovely post and for the chance to win.

  11. Your mini Swoon block is wonderful. You are very creative. Thanks for the chance to win such beautiful fabric.

  12. Good Morning Sharon...oh my goodness..your table topper are beautiful, the photos are the spring feeling...goodness me you are talented..
    I bet some bird will find that feeders soon....
    great design

  13. beautiful, Sharon. I love your Bingo card hanging there too. What a great idea.

  14. I joined Marcia's Linking blog and have come across your site. I have enjoyed reading several of your posts and look forward to receiving future posts. I just became your 426'd Follower.

  15. Your blocks are absolutely beautiful..count me in!

  16. Love that mini Swoon! And the little nutcracker as well! Great first day for our blog hop and you are so generous with that beautiful jelly roll!

  17. Wow! Love your blocks Sharon. Great giveaway too, I might add!

  18. Hermosos los pequeños bloques!!
    Gracias por compartir!!

  19. All your minis are adorable. I love the little birdhouse.

  20. Love the birdhouse block, and the stand the bingo block is hanging on. You have lots of inspiration going on, so I'm heading back to visit. Thanks

  21. love your mini swoon - I agree that the larger size is uncomfortably large.. but it does make a great start to a medallion quilt.
    Deb Strain is always welcome in my stash!

  22. Beautiful table toppers. Love your monthly themes for them. Such a cute thing to have. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Oh, the snowman is cute. He's my favorite.

  24. Thanks for sharing the photos of your table topper quilts. Very cute! I am always looking for ideas for my table topper frame. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  25. Oh, your mini quilts are so great. I have the hanger and have made one quilt for it so far. I need to link up my bingo card. thanks for a chance to win the jelly roll.

  26. What wonderful table top quilts you have made! Love the mini swoon!! Thanks for sharing!

  27. Wow, great variety of mini's. I'm a new follower. Thanks for the giveaway. Mary

  28. Oh my - a giveaway in addition to all that wonderful eye candy?!? Count me it! Loved your table toppers, especially the swoon block!!!

  29. What a lovely array of table toppers. Thankyou for sharing with me.

  30. Lovely toppers! Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  31. Love the bird house and the swoon block - so cute! Reminds that I need to buy an actual birdhouse. A pari of sparrows have used one of my bird feeders as their house this spring! Lovely jelly roll - thanks for the chance!

  32. Love all your little toppers! Aren't they the funnest!! Wow - I would love to win the jelly roll! Thanks for sharing and the chance to win!

  33. love your Swoon. what a great idea to highlight some fav scraps. great job!

  34. Love your mini quilts ,they are fabulous.Great job!!

  35. Beautiful hangers! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the opportunity!

  36. I love the colors of that jelly roll. Thanks for the giveaway. I love your mini=swoon. Kathie L in Allentown.

  37. Love the hanger-- definitely want to get one of those!! And love your mini-quilts-- very, very pretty!! We have our very own Meadow Friends this year-- a pair of bluebirds have built a nest in the house that my Dad built and put on our back fence. I love watching them busily hunting for bugs and tending their nest-- I'm pretty sure that there are some eggs in there, but don't want to disturb them by checking... but I'll bet we'll be hearing lots of chirping going on before long! :-) Thank you for the chance to win!

  38. Love your mini quilt! The jelly roll is beautiful too!

  39. Love them all, but especially the BINGO topper...super idea! ~~Jodie

  40. They are all so pretty.
    I'm planning on participating in the May for Me Bingo, but life keeps getting in the way and I haven't made my card yet. Hopefully, I can get it done in the next couple days.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  41. I love me some MiniQuilts, and Jelly Rolls! All of yours are darling.

  42. Lovely jelly roll! Please add me to the drawing.

  43. Love that swoon block. I like scrappy best.

  44. love the bird house I to watch for the return of our featherd friends and with it still snowing I think they will need little quilts inside those houses lol
    in stitches

  45. Love your table toppers! I'd love to win the jelly roll. Thanks for the chance.

  46. You have been sew busy!! Love all the little toppers!! I would love to win this gorgeous fabric...thanks for the chance!!
    take care!

  47. Love all your table toppers,Thanks for the giveaway.

  48. Wow, Sharon, your minis are just stunning....I don't know which one I love the best, but that 8 inch Swoon is gorgeous! Oh, how I love Deb Strain's Meadow Friends - thanks for a chance to win!

  49. Great birdhouse mini, and love the tiny swoon! Great toppers. And a great jelly roll as well! :)

  50. The jelly roll is so bright & cheery! Love your birdhouse...I was listening to our birds this morning. I will be hanging out my trimmings for them to put in their nests later today.

  51. The mini quilt is GORGEOUS!!! Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!!!

  52. Sharon - Oh, wow! You are certainly putting me to shame here. Your table top quilts are simply lovely and there are so many. What fun! I look forward to being one of your newest followers. ~Kelly

  53. Your Spring birdhouse is adorable! What a fun idea to make the leaves 3-D! And the mini swoon, so pretty. It seems like I'm always shrinking patterns down, so this one really speaks to me. And I'm partial to all your little table toppers! How fun to surprise us with a giveaway at the end. Love those springy color fabrics!

  54. I just love all of your beautiful mini quilts. I now want to get a stand. Thanks for sharing.

  55. I love your little swoon!! Its so scrappy and cute!

  56. Lovely post as usual. I'm so jelous, when do you find the time(I know, I've said it before). I LOVE the hot pink one in the lower left. ;-> Toni Anne.

  57. What lovely table toppers! I love all of them! I will have to make one for my office. Judith, Texas

  58. Sharon I love all your toppers. Being a scrap lover the swoon block is wonderful, but I love the bird house. We too wait for the arrival of the birds. We have wrens that come back to the same two houses every year.

  59. Since spring has arrived, I find myself wanting to work with bights and happy prints, love the jelly roll. Beautiful table toppers, the birdhouse is my favorite.


  60. Your mini quilts are a bright sight! They are so pretty.

  61. Love all your little quilts -- but especially the birdhouse one!
    Thanks for the chance to win the wonderful jelly roll fabric!
    Enjoy your day!

  62. I love your birdhouse! Thanks for the chance on the jellyroll!

  63. Great table toppers! I'm going to have to try that -- they look like so much fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

  64. YES, go ahead and make a Swoon quilt. The table topper is so darn cute. Just swoon on over and make that quilt you so want to make. The bingo card is another cutie. I want to make both of these. Yes, we are springing ahead. You have just a quilter's head full of so many table topper ideas and now a giveway to boot. Good for you.

    Sandi T.

  65. The bird house is just precious. I love your mini collection. Thank you for sharing.

  66. what amazing work!! everything is so pretty!

  67. Lovely minis Sharon , I especially love the swoon block , wow such tiny pieces , you are brave . Thanks for a great start to the blog hop :-)

  68. Love your table toppers. Thanks for chance to win jelly roll

  69. Really cute minis. Am a new follower and thank you for the chance to win.

  70. Great giveaway. Thanks. I'm so glad I found your blog.

  71. A whole quilt made with 8-inch swoon blocks? That will be an ambitious undertaking. I'm impressed! Great give away. Thanks

  72. Love the bird house, love the swoon and oh well I really love them all.

  73. I absolutely LOVE you Swoon block...along with the fun set of mini's to display for the holidays. It think they would make great gifts! LOVE the colors...Thank you for sharing!

  74. I now have lots of ideas for mini minis! Thanks for the giveaway chance as well!

  75. I love your table toppers!!! And that fabric line is awesome!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great giveaway!!! :)

  76. Fabulous projects! Thanks for the chance to win a jelly roll!

  77. beautiful peices. I especially love the bird house. We have a bluebird who has returned this spring!

  78. You have some wonderful table toppers Sharon. The bird house is my favorite - no maybe the tiny Swoon - SO CUTE! Yes it would make a beautiful quilt.

  79. Love all your mini's and toppers! I can't pick a favorite! Thanks for the great show! :-) Have a happy day!

  80. Love this fabric from Deb Strain. Thanks for the giveaway.

  81. I love the little Swoon Block- thank you for a lovely giveaway.

  82. I'm not entering the giveaway, just chiming in to say--wowzers! Lots of neat ideas :O)
    I can't believe you made that little swoon--it's adorable but oh it must've been a stinker with all those short seams!

  83. I'm way behind on the Table Topper bandwagon. I've only done one. I'm lovin' what I'm seeing in the blog hop. Sign me up for the giveaway. Thank you.

  84. Love the cheery fabric. It would make some wonderful table runners for gifts.

  85. I am a new follower to your blog. What colorful and beautiful fabrics in your jelly roll!!!
    Deb Strain has a wonderful eye for fabric design.

  86. am just getting around to seeing the value and purpose of these little mini quilts, the table toppers ... used as a display rather than a mat for a table. love your birdhouse!

  87. Love all your table toppers but I really love the Swoon!

  88. I love the birdhouse and the Nutcracker!

  89. Your table toppers are wonderful! I love the idea of making them for holidays and such! As I looked at yours I thought BIRTHDAY CAKE!!

  90. The star topper is my favorite! & thanks for the chance at your sweet giveaway!

  91. The star topper is my favorite! & thanks for the chance at your sweet giveaway!

  92. ohh great giveaway, thanks very much for offering it internationally, love the table toppers

  93. OMG! You guys have really outdone yourself. So many creative ideas. I just don't have a place for a table topper but like to make mini quilts which can be adapted from the table topper idea. The birdhouse is really cute and I also like the bingo card.

  94. Pretty fabrics! Thanks for sharing!

  95. I've made some swoon blocks , but HAVE to try it scrappy and this size.
    Thanks for a chance to win

  96. Wow your small Swoon is beautiful! I would be seriously te,PTSD to make a whole quilt too! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

  97. I am totally in love with that birdhouse! blessings, marlene

  98. Your swoon and birdhouse are cute as can be. I LOVE the quilt that you gave to Sarah. WOW! You are SUCH AN INSPIRATION to me.

    No need to enter me in the giveaway. I've not turned on the machine in a month. sigh. But that sure is a pretty Jelly roll, someone should be very happy!

  99. Wow, you've really helped this blog hop kick off in style! What a great post and so many lovely minis - gotta LOVE a mini swoon!!
    Thanks for sharing so many treasures and providing such a lovely giveaway :)

  100. Sharon your minis are sooooo cute! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  101. Sharon, so much beauty and inspiration! Love them!!

  102. Beautiful little toppers - one for each season - I do think they are addictive- don't you? Love that you are participating in the hop. Judy C

  103. Love the birdhouse ... I gotta' have that one! *wink* Thanks so much for sharing!

  104. I love the Bingo quilt. What a cute idea. Your swoon block is a beauty. The colors are put together perfectly.

  105. Love your mini quilts - thanks for sharing! Please toss my name in to win the jelly roll - nice choice!!

  106. OHHH, love the jelly roll!! Thanks!

  107. I have one of those frames but couldn't think of what to make for it. I love your little birdhouse block.

  108. Love all your mini's. the bridhouse and snowman are my fave's. Busy lady! The Moda jelly roll is so spring-like. Great giveaway.

  109. Sharon i just love your blog and so enjoy seeing what you are doing everyday. I admire your creativity,all the fun you have and how much you give back to the community. I love these small quilts something you can always do when your time and energy are short. Blessings sandra

  110. The birdhouse is so cute and colorful. I wish I was a bird!

  111. Love the birdhouse and the give a way. You sound like a very busy lady.


  112. Love your mini-Swoon. Thanks for hosting the Meadow Friends giveaway- perfect for this time of year.

  113. All your small quilts are wonderful and, of course, the jelly roll is delightful. Thank you for the giveaway.

  114. fabulous minis - I love the swoon one and your garden setting :) and thanks for the generous giveaway too!

  115. Wow! I love your beautiful little quilts. They are all gorgeous!! Thanks for the wonderful show of little quilts!!!

  116. What a bunch of lovely table toppers.....I love the bird house...and what a nice giveaway......thanks

  117. I love the birdhouse quilt. That is great. And a wonderful jelly roll to win. Great post (as always)

  118. I enjoyed seeing your collection of table toppers.

  119. oh so pretty!!

    I have a charm pack that I could use with that jelly roll.

    thanks for the giveaway!

  120. Your table toppers are fantastic. I like working with small pieces myself but have not made any table toppers.

  121. Darling minis! Lovely giveaway too!

  122. Thanks so much for sharing with us! My favorite is the mini swoon! I think a whole quilt of those would be gorgeous! Please enter me in the giveaway! Happy Day! :)

  123. My goodness! I almost didn't make it past the bird house it was that beautiful ... but then, what do I expect to find on your blog Miss Sharon ??!! Thank you so much for sharing!

  124. I love your mini quilts and especially your 8" swoon - it is adorable! Thanks for the chance to win the jelly roll - Meadow Friends is one of my most wished for fabric lines!

  125. Your mini quilts are so cute. What a great idea for decorating throughout the year.


  127. Your mini-swoon is gorgeous! I also really like your snowflake mini-quilt. You've inspired me to think outside the box now! Thanks for the giveaway and a chance to win. I love the orange fabric with the white detail.

  128. Fantastic minis, Sharon! You had me with the birdhouse, but then I spotted your scrappy mini swoon ... oh, my! Just lovely. Thanks for sharing your talents with us and your generous giveaway.

  129. So many lovely mini quilts. What a generous give away. The jelly role fabrics are lovely.

  130. Your mini quilts are lovely Sharon. Thanks for the giveaway.

  131. Oh, cute birdhouse - oh, nice swoonie, scrappy Carpenter's Star -And what a great idea to switch out for the seasons. So darling!

  132. great post and a great giveaway (that I am selfishly hoping I win!). :)

  133. Great post, great giveaway, great table toppers! I've been looking forward to seeing all the ideas Mdm Samm & her posse (hehehe) have come up with this time around!
    Thankds for the chance to win.

  134. Jelly rolls are my favorite pre-cut. I'd love to win...never had any of this fabric line.

  135. Lovely ideas for table topper quilts. I think the swoon one is my favourite. Please count me in the giveaway - that fabric is sensational!

  136. I've hopped on the table topper bandwagon of late. Instant gratification suits me when I can't wait to make a whole quilt. Your blue and white snowflake one is my favorite, simple yet elegant and fun! The gorgeous birdhouse one runs a close second.
    I just bought some charm packs of Deb's Tend the Earth which I LOVE. This Meadow Friends jelly roll looks just as charming. Thanks for the chance to win!

  137. I love all your minis! I've been working on a few seasonal myself.
    I love your swoon. Great colors!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win Meadow Friends. It would be awesome to win!

  138. Meadow friends is so preety! Almost as much as the Swoon you made - love the bird house too! thanks!

  139. those topper are beautiful! nice work.

  140. I love all of your table toppers. The little Swoon block is amazing. I may have to take some extra Allegra tablets to get over my allergy to tiny squares of fabric so I can make a little quilt of my own.

  141. You have such cut table toppers. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway. Nice cheery fabric for spring.

  142. Love your little birdhouse mini. The jelly roll is so bright and springlike. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  143. The birdhouse block you made is very pretty, but the swoon block is absolutely stunning. I can't imagine making one with such small pieces! Great job! Thanks for the giveaway.

  144. Oh my goodness I love your mini swoon block! A whole quilt of them would be divine! Thank/ for the chance to win!

  145. Love your mini swoon block Very clever. Thanks for the chance for the give away.

  146. Beautiful quilts! The birdhouse one is so lovely and original

  147. Beautiful quilts! The birdhouse one is so lovely and original

  148. All of your little quilts are beautiful. I love the birdhouse. Over the weekend the 5 little Carolina Wrens left the nest and flew off of our screened porch. Thanks for the great giveaway of Meadow Friends.

  149. I LOVE how the leaves pop off of the first one!! But they are all really great!! :) Such a fun hop!!


  151. Please enter my name in for the Jelly's gorgeous.


  152. You have so many cute ideas. Very inspirational!

  153. You always do such beautiful work and thanks for the giveaway. Sure would love to win.

  154. Beautiful jelly roll! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  155. Love all your toppers. Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway.

  156. Love your table toppers! I am Swooning over your swoon! thank you for the chance to win the jelly roll.

  157. You have made some wonderful table toppers. I love having a little something to display each month and table toppers are definitely the way to go. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your wonderful giveaway!

  158. Oh Sharon! I love your table topper quilts. They all turned out amazing. :) That is a very generous giveaway. Love the fabric.


  159. Thanks for the blog hop view of your table toppers! And, of course, the giveaway of the cute jelly too! I'll be back for Bingo as well.

  160. Sharon I love your toppers! Thank you for a fun giveaway! I've been enjoying all the blogs!!

  161. Lovely jelly roll. Looks good enough to eat......

  162. I'm in love with your mini Swoon! What a great scrappy quilt that would make. I hope you do make an entire quilt of those, that would be something to see and so gorgeous! What a wonderful giveaway prize.. thanks for the chance! xo

  163. Love the Swoon block and the jelly roll. Thanks for the inspiration.

  164. Oh..I love the swoon,beautiful bright colors. You're very productive and creative lady. Thanks for sharing the Blog Hop schedule and for the great giveaway!!

  165. Love all your mini quilts, especially the Swoon topper. It really says Spring. Love the jelly roll, too. What fun! Thanks for sharing!!!

  166. I am a new follower and I am enjoying seeing all your table toppers wspecially the birdhouse

  167. I love all your blocks. The swoon is so nice. Thanks for the jellyroll giveaway.

  168. Your mini quilts are so lovely! I would love to know where to find the cute stand that you hang the mini quilts on... Thanks for the from sunny South Africa

  169. Your quilts are gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win a jelly roll.

  170. Beautiful as always. Thanks for the chance to win!

  171. Love the mini swoon quilt and giveaway

  172. That BINGO one is just too cute! Love them all!

  173. I love your minis especially the Swoon block one. As always you inspire me.

  174. Will you be posting a tutorial on making the birdhouse table topper? Love it!!!

  175. This hop promises to be fun! Looking forward to it. Thanks for the chance to win a fabulous jelly roll!

  176. All beautiful little the shamrock. Count me in for your giveaway, please.

    shel704 at aol dot com

  177. Such pretty eye candy, as always - but oh, that tiny swoon block!!!! Amazing!! Count me in for that jelly roll, too!!

  178. I'm actually swooning over the size of that weee leeetle swoon block you made....eeek...thaz small! You betcha it's real purdy tho. =)

    I LUV your birdhouse block too!

    VERY NICE giveaway!!! pretty wonderful jelly roll!


  179. Being a birder, I love the birdhouse. But I am smitten with the swoon block! Each one is lovely... thanks for sharing!

  180. I love seeing all your little quilts! I certainly need to jump on this trend and make some more. I have completed my BINGO card and am anxiously awaiting the turn of the calendar page to May!

    Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful Jelly Roll!! Such springy fabric - love it!

  181. What cute little quilts you showed us. I LIke the birdhouse and the snowflake. Great way to change decor for the seasons. Thanks for a chance to win.

  182. Pretty little quilts! I especially like the Swoon one! Thanks for the giveaway - I love Meadow Friends. :)

  183. What a neat grouping of table toppers, you have been busy! I really like your little birdhouse! Thanks for a great giveaway too!

  184. What a fun table topper hop!! So cute!!! Love Meadow Friends, it is so bright and springy!!!

  185. That little Swoon block is just ADORABLE. The table toppers are so cute, I really need to get me one of the holders and get busy, this hop has been so inspiring.
    Thanks for the chance to win the great jelly roll.

  186. Hops are so much fun! That jelly roll looks so pretty. I've never actually seen one undone. Thanks for the chance to own it!

  187. Love your minis! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  188. I love your nutcracker mini! and the swoon block is making me do just that! :)

  189. Love the swoon block!! thanks for the chance in the giveaway :)

  190. Your minis are wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win a great jelly roll! VermontPines at aol dot com

  191. Oh my, what a beautiful collection of table topper quilts. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work.

  192. I have been blog hopping today and seems I found this in the nick of time. I have never one a jelly roll and since there was 199 comments before me I have snowballs chance in you know where but as they say. Your blog posts as always are lovely to read, thanks Sharon.

  193. Thanks for the parade of table toppers were a busy girl. Luv your scrappy 'Swoon' block. I too like the smaller size. I have the pattern and I will have to make one too. Thanks for your inspiration and for sharing in the blog hop. Sweet giveaway...:o)
