Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bingo is Around the Corner

Bingo players have you got your cards out? Are you getting excited? Remember you will need to visit each of us each day - Monday thru Friday (first week will be starting on a Tuesday, May 1st) - no calling on the weekend. As soon as I can figure out how to add a page - that is where I will post my Bingo calls each day.

So get those buttons ready - remember, that is how we are marking our cards. Visit us:
Tonya at Hillbilly Handiworks
Marcia at Crafty Sewing
Snoodles at LilyPad Quilting
Sharon (me)at VroomansQuilts


And have you pulled some ME projects? I just had to get this bag pattern by Pam Buda of Heartspun Quilts and my fabric is already picked out. Being in a historic Revolutionary area and a direct descendant of the founding fathers - this bag has a lot of meaning to me.

I will be sharing some non-quilty ME fun thru the month of May and if you check my very messy 'new' crafting area photo - that one shelf unit has two shelves dedicated to give aways. YES, we are celebrating my birthday all month! So check back Tuesday for the first set of Bingo Words and the week's giveaway.

Sewingly Yours,

Saturday, April 28, 2012

April NewFO

Another fun month with a lot of small projects. I am enjoying the freedom of just being able to play and create. I attended a class on the Rapid Fire Hunter Star, completed this month's Schnibble, made 2 mini projects with Sew Lux Charm Challenge, participated in the Table Topper Blog Hop, made a doll quilt for the HST Challenge, started and still trying to get re-organized in my new space, finished and mailed out my May Doll Swap (has to travel to Germany), sharing my space with my SIL (fun to create along side someone else), lots of string blocks, and have been enjoying the 30 days of paper piecing-Garden Party. PLUS, getting things ready for May For Me.

I did get the FMQ April Challenge done. Didn't photo any process as did it during a day sharing space with my SIL. I had no tulle, no hoop. no marker - so I used some solvy - clothes pinned to pattern, trace, solvy to sandwich, and used a machine that has no darning foot. I took off the foot, put a 3x5 card over the feed dogs, and stitched. You can see the tension is slightly off and I had a heck of a time following the lines, but it was doable. I found it a lot of steps - even though not using the exact method. I think a stencil and pounce is more practical. AND using my new,better machine for the purpose!


Lots of new things lining up for May and beyond:
SummerTime Adventures
100 Blocks Hop
Sliced Apples
Blogger Quilt Festival
12" Mini Club
July Blog Hop


Received this great book from Moose on the Porch for the FQ Star QAL (my SIL has picked out a pattern for her next project). Lovely charm pack - Cabbages & Roses. Think I will pair these with some shot cotton solids and do a disappearing 4-patch. Thank you Konda for such a fun project as well as the lovelies.

And Katie Q of Katie's Saltmarsh Path sent me some lovely 2" squares in one of her give aways. I can't show them as they are already sewn into my postage stamp quilt that is in progress. Thank you KQ!

And quilters are just great. Karen of KocanQUilt won one of my give aways. She saw that I collected Mary Englebreit and sent me this fabulous piece. Thank you sweetie!

**linking up with
Cat Patches - NewFO
Patchwork TImes - on the wall
SewCalGal - FMQ Challenge


May is coming!!

Sewingly Yours,

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Oh, ladies, don't we look good! We are dancing now, so close to May For Me - lots of fun things coming up. Of course, thank you to all 98 Bingo Card link-ups - you just thrilled us. Also, note the new top button - if you would like to have your own May For Me offering, be sure to link your blog over with Marcia (just click the button to get there). That will be your GO-TO place to see what is going on all month.


Cherise so nicely set up a button for the Traveling Stash - just click there for updates and feel free to put it on your side bar.

McCall's 100 Block Blog Tour - you don't want to miss this, lots of give aways.

Sliced Apples Quilt Along with Mama Spark and CrazyQuiltGirl - fabric requirements will be revealed May 1st.

To Come Shortly - Amy's Creative Side Blogger's Quilt Festival - will get that up in a couple of days - and Temecula Quilt Co will be having a new Blessed mini quilt offered in May - will get that up as soon as button is available.

OK, that tote of possible fabrics sat long enough and I finally decided to keep this a 3-fabric piece. So caught up with the four blocks - yes Billie, you were right.

And since I am sharing my sewing space with my SIL, keeping to simple so I can help when called. Lots of string blocks. I love those mini baskets - from the Dollar Store - just grab some strings in it rather than my huge bins and my pretzal barrel full of orphan triangles for the corners - I can work in a small space without too much thought.


Thank you to all of you who stopped by and left such lovely comments. If you didn't get a reply from me you were probably a 'no-reply' (think I had a couple) - yes, I answered you all as you were so kind to leave me a comment. So happy to announce the winner is Debbie of Stitchin Therapy - oh, she has a wonderful blog so pay her a visit with a little love. I will send a private e-mail for mailing information.


We're fools whether we dance or not,
so we might as well dance.
~Japanese Proverb

Sewingly Yours,

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Last Day

Just a reminder that today - April 25th - is the last day of the Table Topper Blog Hop. Go see the schedule, prizes and give some comments at Sew I Quilt. This has been a very enjoyable and inspirational hop for me.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I loved all the comments with the 'whistling' post and it seems we are a creative bunch that loves to whistle, hum or sing when we work. Some prefer silence, but I'm sure there is a song inside.

I'm singing because I finished this month's Schnibble project - 'Summer Day'. I found the Jelly Roll 'Bliss' by Bonnie & Camille for Moda while doing my organization. I don't remember when I got it or why 2 strips had been turned into 9-patches. So I did a little variation and now have a lovely picnic quilt for a summer day. I saved 6 strips for the binding - it is going to be sent off to the long-armer this week.

And singing that I, the lowest of technical people, managed to figure out how to make a mosaic! These are some of the blocks for the Garden Party paper piece a day patterns. I just love the lady in the hat. A lot of these blocks need embellishing which will be done during the quilting phase. So they are on my wall until all 30 are done - probably will sash them. And have to think of border treatment - so this one will be a big quilt. ** linking up with Patchwork Times - you should really check out all the lovely work that gets shown here - super inspiration!


I really enjoyed the class on the Rapid Fire Hunter's Star that our quilt guild sponsored. One of our member teaches this class, and she did a wonderful job. I had gotten my template/ruler a long time ago in wait for this, I'm not one for a lot of specialty rulers, but this was quick and easy. I had watched Deb Tucker's U-Tube instructions as well as read the instruction pamphlet that comes with the template, but there is nothing like a hands on, in person learning experience. I already have several pieces cut for more blocks - yes, that's my 'Summer Breeze II' that my SIL gifted me - and my May For Me BIG project. Oh, yeah - there was singing and dancing with this crazy group during class.

And I love this bag that I received in one of the Quilt Gallery Swaps - filled it with cross stitch and embroidery projects in ready for May For Me. I have to gather some linens and box floss to add, but much prettier to encourage completing some projects.

**NOTE** Cherise of Sewingly Along has volunteered to keep the update of the Traveling Stash Boxes - so hop on over and become a follower or pin her button to your sidebar as a reminder.


So whether you whistle, hum, sing - or people prefer you keep the singing to the shower - keep a song in your creative heart.

Sewingly Yours,

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Today (Sunday, April 22) is the last day to link up - by 10pm. Even if you only have your flimsie done - link it with your list. It doesn't have to be a perfect mini quilt - get those squares sewn together, photo, make a word list and link it up. Once the list is closed, there will be no exceptions. Link-up can be found here

Today (Sunday, April 22) is the last day of the Colonial Needle Blog Hop. Visit Lily Pad Quilting here for the list and dates - be sure to comment on each blog for some exciting give aways.

The Table Topper Blog Hop continues on Monday thru to Wednesday. You can find the schedule at Sew I Quilt here. Some amazing mini quilts have already been displayed - I can't wait to see what is to come. You will enjoy.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Do you whistle while you work - oh, remember that song from 'Snow White'? Do you hum, amp the tunes, or work in silence? I have seen bloggers into the "clearing, destashing, organizing, time line crunches" STRESS - that I can here the teeth gnashing. There are some unhappy and un-mojo'ed people out there right now. Time to slow down, time to re-cap, time to breath, time to whistle.

I can relate with you all as I have been re-organizing (that's not going too fast), having time crunches (well - I get things done way ahead thank heavens, but they all come at once!), and a little teeth gnashing. My first - yes first - stab at this month's Schnibble did not go well. Things did not come out to size and very wonky AND I can make geese. So breath and re-focus and lots of time. It was off to the dust bin. Yes, without thought, it was Good Bye!! I rarely do a thing like that, but rather than stress - I regrouped and started new, and actually the NEW is almost done.

This was a little bit of ME time fun and a bit of a breather from it all. This was the next little tutorial from Sew Lux to use some of those orphan charms. I had some 'Coming Home' charms left from an earlier Schnibble project. So fun to frame the roosters, sheep, and apples with the barn siding.

And this is the back - some of the flower print charms from that pack with the opposite framing. Although she gives a wonderful tutorial so you can bind with your backing , I chose to use a standard binding so I can use this reversed. **will link up with Sew Lux 'Stitch & Share'**


I have a lot of new followers - thank you - so you may not understand the May For Me. Last year Tonya, Marcia and I teamed up for a month of ME - learn to take time for yourself. Whether a special project, relaxation, a recipe you want to try, a trip - just something for you. We so neglect ourselves. Yes, the Bingo (one day left to link up)is a fun part of it, but we each (oh, my can't forget - Snoodles is with us this year)will be sharing with you to help you have some ME time. I already treated myself to a ME - I couldn't pass up the 40% off, so bought this new extra large cutting mat - as you can see, I really needed to treat myself as that magenta mat is non-usable and the blue is warped and has hot glue all over it! I think that is why those blasted geese came out wrong.

Another early ME time - my first class. Yes, attending a class on the Rapid Fire Hunter Star this Saturday. So excited and just 2 miles up the road, so easy travel. I probably will be singing at this one as some of our quilt guild ladies get into that 'show tune' mode that sometimes is a little hard to control.


Box 1 - 16 Muddy Feet comments open until May 5th

Box 2 - Richard Quilts comments open until April 22

Box 3 - moving to Cindy at Spin the Bobbin

Box 4 - moving to Lynn at K&S DesignGirls

Box 5 - moving to Angie at Sew Scrappy Quilts

Box 6 - Leap Year Box wont move until 29th

**Please note - this is the last Traveling Stash Update I will be doing. May will be busy for me and then into June - marks a year and half since the first box - time to breath, re-group, whistle, move on. I want to bring back my Squared Up segment. So if someone else would like to keep all those stash followers up to date, please feel free**


'If the pressure is getting to you, whistle. In a barely audible way. It's the best way I know of to let go of tension. Music gets your mind off the situation, and the act of whistling melts the tension out of your body.'
- Fuzzy Zoeller

Sewingly Yours,

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hands2Help Check In

Time for a check in for progress with your Hands2Help quilts. I am lucky that some of my challenge and quilt-a-long quilts have assisted me in having finishes. But, I would like one more - 2 for each of the charity groups. I may not get to making a new one, so will browse what is our shop or see what flimsies I have that need a home.

Haven't started ! Pull a pretty basket or bag and select a pattern and pull that fabric. So more tempting to get to that machine when you have your project in sight in a pretty container. Also, good for gathering those May For Me projects. Your H2H quilt can certainly be your May For Me as there is nothing better than donating a quilt to fill your heart.


You never know what you will run into until you hit it! Please see Tonya's note on the Bingo Card List - she is pulling her hair out. She has taken care of Card 1-20 and any of you she has contacted personally - you are all set. But others, check your list. We need ONE WORD to represent the character in your fussy cut square. A bug on a leaf in a field of daisies - for example - is too much. Select bug or leaf or daisy. You can easily go into your post and edit - don't delete what you have, just edit your list. If you have questions, please don't be afraid to ask. We want everyone to be happy, have fun, and win lots of prizes.

Sewingly Yours,

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Table Topper Blog Hop


Monday April 16th

Jacque (Snoodles) - Lily Pad Quilting
Lesley - The Cuddle Quilter
Sharon - (ME - you are here)

Tuesday April 17th

Kris - KrisLovesFabric
Marcia - Marcia's Crafty, Sewing, and Quilting
Sheila - Sheila's Quilt World
Josie - JoCrazyMama

Wednesday April 18th

Vickie - A Creative Notion
Deonn - QuiltScapes
Mrs Pickles - Mrs Pickles Garden

Thursday April 19th

Leslie - Lesquilts
Jennifer - That Girl That Quilt
Karen - BriarsideLane
Katherine - Sew Me Something Good

Friday April 20th

Marlene - Stitchin by the Lake
Charlotte - GrammieQ's
Leslie - A Loose Thread
Darlene - Quilting NaNa
Jane - GrandMaMa's Stories
Michelle - L7 Quilt Co.
Cherry - Cherry Blossoms Quilting Studio

Monday April 23rd

Christine - Quilt Monster in my Closet
Just Carol - Just Let Me Quilt
Patty D - A Stitch in Time
Wendy - Why Knot Kwilt
leanne - Daisy and Jack
Elaine M - posting at Sew I Quilt
Judy C - Shade Tree Quilting

Tuesday April 24th

Jennifer - Crafty Imaginings
Roxanne - Scrapbook Chickadoodle
Syd - posting at Sew I Quilt
Selina - Selina Quilts
Connie - Quilting by the River
Patti - PS I Quilt Too
Jane - Jane's Fabrics and Quilts

Wednesday April 25th

Mary - Crooked Gulley Art Quilts
Marianna - Craft Luvver
Thearica - Pigtales and Quilts
Kelly - UnDeniably Domestic
Marnie - posting at Sew I Quilt
Pauline - Quilt N Queen
Mdm Samm - Sew I Quilt **visit daily for information, updates, and give aways**

Many think of April as Easter, Flowers, Spring - it means to me the return of all our favorite little nesting birds. A time when we clean and ready the many nesting boxes and bird houses around the farm. So I chose to make one of our little feather friends' house that hangs from the old (only) birch. The paint isn't as bright any more, but thought this was what it originally looked like. And I added some 3-D leaves and of course - buttons.

I love seeing all the 'Swoon' blocks evolving around the net, but really did not like the thought of a 24" block. Being a scrap quilter who loves to work "tiny", I made a Swoon block using 1.5" blocks and HSTs. Yes - an 8" Swoon - don't you just love it? Just had to photo it in the bed of Flox because that's what it reminds me of. And I am seriously thinking a whole quilt!

And my 'May For Me' Bingo Card will be hanging here during the May quilt bingo game. Being one of the sponsors/hostess, I can only play for fun - and what fun we are going to have. Click on our button on the side bar for more information - it's a month long celebration.

Here are some of my mini's that have had their turn on the Table Top Hanger. At 12" x12" - it will even handle a 14" length - they are quick to make, easy to change a decor, and instant gratification. Your only limitation is your creativity. Please be sure to visit today's other hosts and MSamm - leave a little love.

And being in the Spring mood and building excitement of May For Me - I have a give away - a Jelly Roll of Deb Strain's 'Meadow Friends' for Moda. I will ship international so don't be bashful ** Jelly Roll opened for photo purpose only ** Winner to be announced April 26th **

** winner of the jelly roll was Deb of Stitchin Therapy and confirmation has been made - package mailed out 4/26/12 **

Sewingly Yours,

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Yes, it's finally here. Be sure to link a specific post to your bingo card showing a list of your squares' characters. If you have more than one family member entering, link to a seperate post for each card. If you have a child entering, please indicate so and the gender/age - there will be seperate prizes for them. You can link to any of the four of us :

Tonya at Hillbilly Handiwork

Marcia at Marcia's Crafty, Sewing, Quilting

Snoodles at Lily Pad Quilting

Sharon at VroomansQuilts

We will show all post links the same so you only need to link up through one of the blogs listed above. The linky is open from April 15th - April 22nd - you must link a post to be eligible to play May for Me Bingo. If you have any problems linking up - Please Email Marcia --- *** Link up the direct link to the post about your Bingo Card or the direct link to the flicker site. Please title your link with your BLOG NAME or your name. Thanks! ***

**UPDATE - PLEASE, TO HELP TONYA MAKING THE MASTER LIST - MAKE YOUR WORD LIST ITEMS A SINGLE WORD** You can edit your existing post to help her out - those who newly post - please keep your list items to one word

This linky list is now closed.

Christmas Quilt Along

Good morning everyone! Hope you join us in the April Christmas Quilt Along today. The lovely Lesley of The Cuddle Quilter is our hostess today and she already has breakfast and coffee ready. I will be updating on this post thru the day, so pop in for a visit. Yes, Lesley will have Mr. Linky on, so visit the others participating for some inspiration.


Yes, I was good and bundled all my units into baggies - and labeled. Already sewing, leasurely, just enjoying the day.


Well all the quarter square blocks are sewn. Now to do some trimming. I think after that I will take a bit of a morning walk and then finish up the last step.


All my pieces are trimmed and made into the rows of 3 blocks. A good pressing and then into their marked baggy to wait for next month. My in-town errands got finished quickly and I put my dinner in the crock pot. This will be my first real 'meal' since being sick.


10 oz. pkg. frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained
6 green onions, chopped
1 red pepper, seeded and chopped
5 1/2 oz. pkg. cornbread mix
4 beaten eggs
1/2 c. butter, melted
1 c. cottage cheese
(optional) 1 t. salt (I like to use sea salt)

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. Spoon into a lightly greased slow cooker. Cover with lid slightly ajar to allow moisture to escape. Cook either on low setting for 3-4 hrs. or on a high setting for 1 3/4 - 2 hrs. To check doneness - insert knife tip in center to test clean.

This is usually served as a side dish, but I eat very little meat, so this is my main dish - maybe a fruit on the side.


I have to admit - I took a little break. It is so warm and sunny outside, that I had to enjoy it. Now back to business. I want to finish up these cross stitch Christmas ornaments while the seasonal fabric tote is out.


I have all my ornaments ready to be trimmed, corners clipped, turned and then hand sew the openings closed. But that will be tonights work in front of the TV - I taped "The Sound of Music" the other day, so a night of unwinding. Thank you Lesley for being such a gracious hostess. Please give her a visit. She not only has a wonderful blog, but she has two FQ Christmas FQ bundle give aways for today (comment on her first CQAL post) as well as a 'Granny Square Album' quilt kit (comment on her last CQAL post).

I need to get things ready for tomorrow's Bingo Link Up and Hands2Help progress update - OH, and Lesley and I are sharing Monday with some other lovely ladies to start off the Table Topper Blog Hop.

Sewingly Yours,

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Strings, Orphan Charms, & HSTs

I played with my tiny strings blocks today. Yes, those are 3/4" strips and that tiny corner stone looks lost. I love the look of these blocks - BUT....

Turning 4 blocks into a 4-patch single block. Again, very nice looking - BUT....

This is the back and the reason for the BUT...... How on earth am I going to quilt this? All those seams fold into each other so you have a mass of layers. And the area where the points meet, well a damp pressing cloth and my dress maker's mallet will pound them down. BUT not stitchable! Option - hand tie this baby and have the pliers handy to pull the needle through. Wonder how many needles I will break?? Is this doable? Is this going to weigh a ton? Is this really the plan?

**Linking up with Sew Lux Scrap Attack Strings Quilt Along**

Now this piece soothed my soul. Love the colors even though there are so many orphan charms from so many fabric lines. Some became bricks, some became HSTs. Can you pick them out? And the lites are a variety of fabric lines, too. And the border is a left-over trim from squaring up a quilt back.

I played with three different border treatments before I went with the applique leaves (cut from charms), tiny yo-yo's (made from charms-quartered), and buttons. And in keeping with the 3 - used three different color quilting threads - well, I like to use two strands of floss to quilt with.

Binding is a mix of orphan charms, keeping with the blend of the quilt. I used an old "Tuscany Collection" fabric for the back. This doll quilt measures 18" x 22" and I just loved working on this.

**Linking up with :
Sew Lux Stitch & Share Charm Challenge
Canoe Ridge Creations Festival of Half Square Triangles
PatchWork Times April Color Palette Challenge
Whoop It Up Friday with Sarah

Sewingly Yours,

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Coming Events

April's Christmas Quilt Along is this Saturday, April 14th with our lovely hostess Lesley of The Cuddle Quilter. You certainly can quickly catch up with the offered mystery quilt designed by Sue Abrey, but you are certainly welcome to, also, just stitch along with a Christmas gift of your own.

There will be a progress link-up for Hands2Help on Sunday, April 15th over at Sarah's Confessions of a Fabric Addict. Even though you haven't pre-signed up, you still can join - just pick up the information on Sarah's blog.

From April 15th- April 22nd is the link-up for your Bingo Cards for the May For Me quilt bingo. You will be able to link up on any of the four host blogs.
Tonya - Hillybilly Handiworks - also lists all rules and prizes
Marcia - Marcia's Crafty,Sewing, & Quilting
Snoodles - LilyPad Quilting
Sharon - VroomansQuilts

Remember - link to a specific post on your card that includes your list of square space characters.

The Table Topper Blog Hop will be April 16 - 25 with lots of lovely inspiration and give aways. Yes, I am ready for this one and will be one of the blog participants.

The linky will be up April 16 - 22 for the HST Festival. I am finishing the last few stitches of the binding!

Sew Lux String Challenge for this month linky found here closes April 16th.

Sew Lux Charm Challenge link up found here closes April 22nd.

I hope I haven't missed any! Yes, I am participating in all this madness (well, can't play the Bingo). Starting next week I will be offering ideas to help you get ready for May For Me. May is my birth month, and I plan to share the celebration all month long with all of you.

Sewingly Yours,