
Friday, March 23, 2012

Farmer's Wife in Your Life

I enjoyed following along with the blog hop hosted by Sunni at Love Affair with my Brother and finding many sources of inspiration for these delightful blocks. You could use blocks from the book - which I don't have but these wonderful ladies shared spotlights - or you could use any 6.5" block. I played with two blocks shared from the book and one from Quilter's Cache (maybe it's in the book).

I wanted to find a use for some abandoned charms and this was a perfect fit for them. The classic Churn Dash block.

They became perfect pockets for an armchair pincushion keep. Even orphan charms were used for the pincushion.

And left overs from last month's Schnibbles became the base, backing and binding. Even a bit of trimmed batt was used up.

The next try at using those orphan charms. Another classic heritage block - the Bow Tie.

Just a fun pillow to match my afghan. And again, a bit of recycling as I used a Christmas pillow, just made my Bow Tie with a placket back so I could slip this pillow form right in. The pillow no longer is in storage and I didn't need to purchase another.

This was our inspiration in the Color Challenge for PatchWork Times and I thought it would be great to combine these two challenges, so went to a wonderful block source - The Quilter's Cache.

I chose the block - Cock's Comb - for my next project. I am also following the Free Motion Quilting Challenge and thought I would dress up that plain notebook. I used some 'period' fabrics for the cover and block, but had some fun with the back.

I like to show I have a sense of humor - so just had to use this chicken fabric with this block. Hey, the chicks have to be with the rooster.

And I put a few different size pockets on the inside cover slides. I can keep any templates, pencils, etc... on hand. And my notes, sketches, printouts are in protective sleeves. Now I have a more inspiring notebook. Hope it improves my free motion quilting!

Thank you for stopping by and please visit the other entrants in the 'Farmer's Wife' challenge.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. GREAT projects, Sharon!! I especially like the arm chair caddy and your new pillow!! Kris

  2. Hi Sharon as asual lots of great projects,but my favourite is your cushion,love it and the colours you chose.xx

  3. Your WILD chicken fabric is soooo COOL!
    Yes Sharon. Your pretty blocks are delightful.

  4. Don't you just love using up the leftovers. Nice job on everything. And I love Quilters Cache too. I'm using it for the teacher quilts blocks. Very helpful.

  5. What fantastic projects!!! I think my favourite is the cushion cover, but it was close!!! SOO cute with those added buttons!!!

  6. You are a master at finding ways to use leftovers! I especially love that bow tie pillow.

  7. {giggle} I may have some churn blocks left over..cloth blocks would work very well....but love those bow ties....

  8. that arm chair caddy is a great idea..might have to try one of those

  9. This is such an inspiring post! I could use my leftovers too and have such lovely projects completed! Way to go.

  10. What a fun chair arm pin cushion, great idea!

    The motivational rooster-hen notbook really fun too!

    I started one square of the Farmer's wife a few months ago...their size really has me scared off. I'm thinking that they'd be less scarey for me, if they could "grow-up" a bit. =)


  11. Great job using your orphan blocks. I really like the arm chair pincushion and the little pillow.

  12. How fun to see the Farmer's Wife blocks used in different projects. Happy quilting...

  13. Great uses for your Farmer's Wife blocks! I really like the bow tie blocks in the pillow, and the other ideas are great, too. But I might have to steal that would work great on my sofa, too. LOL Love to see your finishes...I think I shall make a pillow of my own, using your great idea!

  14. You've been super productive! Love that armchair caddy.

  15. All your projects are indeed useful..I love the block and fabric you use for the notebook...

  16. Love your projects! Great armchair pin cushion...what a neat idea! And another favorite is that bow tie pillow!

  17. What useful projects you have created this month. Great color palette completion.

  18. Great projects Sharon, I really like the pillow.

  19. What a great way to combine two challenges. It turned out great and I especially love the chickens!

  20. Great projects! I really like that pillow:)

  21. Your cushion with bow ties is very pretty. What a novel idea to use a button on the centre of each bow tie.

  22. A great idea to use Farmer's Wife blocks in so many different ways Sharon!
