
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NewFO and Link-Ups

All I can say is Barbara made me do it. Well, I don't really need someone to give me permission to start something new, but it does help and makes you feel so good! I won't re-post past photos but a list:

Little houses, Cross Stitch Ornaments, Picnic Quilt (finished), Block designs for Sarah (Confessions of a Fabric Addict) and Crazy Old Ladies, Christmas Quilt Along, String Along - 3 types of blocks going as well as mini HSTs, Valentine's Day Ackfeld Hanger Mini -my own and one for a swap (finished), 12 Days of Christmas Sampler (finished), Moda's Sliced Entry, Cherry Quilt Along, and Zig-Zag Quilt. New project started and finished below.

Check the other NEWFO bloggers at Cat Patches - you might catch the fever.


Dimensions - 15" x 18" using a veriation of tube technique for Bargello. Fabrics : 'What A Hoot" collection from Classic Cottons, Shot Cotton -Kaffee Fasset, Elements by Mark Lipinski - hand quilted with DMC 2 strands floss in three different orange colors. Bargello to represent the dance floor and quilted circles to represent the dancers. Linking up to A Squared Tangerine Tango Challenge.


This month's pattern was 'i.s.t.h' and right up my alley. Lots of HSTs and tiny pieces - so me! Used Collections for a Cause - Comfort by Howard Marcus, Moda Muslin, and Chocolat by 3 Sisters. FMQ with Connecting Thread's PRO line thread - Brown top line and their Essential Beige bottom line. It is 28" square. This will be in the parade of Schnibbles with Sheri and Sinta later this week.


This is my entry for the "Let Me See Your Jelly Roll" with Crooked Seams. I just love any of the Fig Tree lines, so soft and warm and blendable. This is the pattern 'Boxed Squares' from Mary Quilts and I love that it uses EVERYTHING - no waste is wonderful. Quilted with a stretched serpentine with a peach verigated YLI thread.

And had to show - this is the first time I have used a Vintage Sheet for a backing.


This was my interpretation of the Color Challenge with Patch Work Times. 10 colors to match - no way in my stash, but I had a paisley with all of them and then pulled some of the colors.

It's hard to see, but I used the FMQ Challenge with Sew Cal Gal with this same piece. This time it was feathers - I drew a lot of feathers! Then just decided it had to be done and did it. The center is feathers echoed each side, borders have small flowers and some leaves.


The center is cross stitch using 18 count Aida cloth, DMC floss and Sulky Silks and Metalics - representing March coming in like a lion and going as a lamb. My first time using gold lame' fabric and probably my last. It does not like an iron on it, so used a pressing cloth (sparingly) and used it in the binding - very hard to needle. But I do love the look.
(and we finally had a snow storm - who heard of the Northeast with no snow)
** linking up to Sarah's Whoop Whoop**

And for Billie who is counting - how many is that for the year? And I am looking forward to some new projects for March, after all it is a long month.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. wow...Sharon, all these wonderful are sooo-sew prolific!
    --you mentioned the "bargello tube technique". This is hidden back in the dark folds of my brain. Do you have a pattern or book that shows the idea? I can't remember. But, I really LUV the orange quilt!
    --The Lion and the Lamb make such a great pair in any art form. But, your cross-stitch is really cool!


  2. Good gracious!!! Do you sleep? I can't imagine getting that much done or even started in one month! Can't wait to see what you get up to in March!

  3. Wow! You have been busy! Great set of projects.

  4. Such a make my day, and it hasn't even started yet...

  5. whow Sharon some great projects there,well done,you are inspirational.xx

  6. I continue to be amazed at all you accomplish. I particularly love the Boxed Squares quilt and I've downloaded that pattern - thanks for the link. blessings, marlene

  7. Such beauties yet again. I really love the jelly roll quilt, and that there is a vintage sheet on the back, nice touch. Your feathers look great!

  8. Gracious, Sharon -- I had to go away for five days to be this productive! And still you have more finishes than me! LOL! And beautiful stuff, too. I especially like the lion and the lamb! :)

  9. Wow. DO you sleep?? What a great lot of wonderful projects.

  10. Love your lion and lamb mini quilt. You got lots done this month.

  11. The lion and lamb is truly a work of art and reminds me of a passage in Revelations as well as March. You have such a wonderful talent!

  12. Great projects! Your Schnibbles is so cute.

  13. My goodness a month you had!! Can't wait to see what you come up with for March.

  14. What beautiful projects and great finishes, do you ever sleep??

  15. Ooooh, I am in love with those Boxed that it will use the whole roll! Beautiful projects.

  16. Are you always this busy? Congrats on all the finishes! I like the color palette, how you used one fabric with the theme colors and pulled from there.

  17. Barbara made me do it as well, but at least you finish.....grin.

  18. Lover, love, love all the minis (they are my new passion)! Never thought of doing a bargello one, will have to try that.

    Will "i.s.t.h" be in the next Schnibbles parade? I hope so, I love to see what everyone has made with Carrie's patterns.

  19. You've been a busy girl! Thanks for sharing all the goodies:)

  20. You continue to amaze me with all you accomplish.

    And yes it was strange to finally get snow. My kids were really excited to get to play in it at last.

  21. You continue to amaze me with all you accomplish.

    And yes it was strange to finally get snow. My kids were really excited to get to play in it at last.

  22. I love tangareen tango love the color orange. I bought a ton of orange for my granny squares and look forward to making me a orange quilt.

  23. I like your color palette piece and I love your tangerine tango!

  24. I'm absolutely blown away by all the beautiful stuff you've made this month, but my favorite of all is the jelly roll quilt - it's beautiful!!

  25. Sharon, you are a machine! Fig Tree is one of my favorite designers - her fabrics are always so comforting. And I need a good no-waste jelly roll pattern. All the ones I've made so far have leftovers that I'm saving/hoarding for follow-up projects, pillow cases, etc. I need a pattern that uses up every last bit to save me from myself.

  26. I love your color challenge piece!
