
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Memories of May

May has been a month long celebration shared with so many friends. You have made this a wonderful experience and I thank you all. With Blogger getting wobbly, I was not able to respond to many new postings - but I was there, as well as I know you were there too. I have laughed, wished, loved, hugged, and even cried with so many of you. Thank you.


The top 2 spool blocks are from my swap partner - I just love the colors and the wow fabric is just so soft and vibrant. The bottom 2 spools I made. With 2 swaps and the 2 I make a faster pile of blocks will evolve for my spool quilt.

I have all my rows and borders added for Tonya's May For Me quilt along - I had tested the pattern for her, so a lot of my work was done ahead of schedule. I want to hand quilt this with something added into the muslin border. This is just such a cute lap quilt and with my Dutch heritage it will definitaly stay with ME.

Finally - this is the outcome of playing with a panel, some scraps, and the color chart from 'Colors of May' post. I have snippets of panel and scraps, so this is as far as she goes. Another project to hand quilt and maybe some added specialty threads and beading.


I've enjoyed sharing this venture with Tonya and Marcia - and many of you. It really made it an added bonus to my planned monthly birthday bash. Maybe you didn't get to some of your ME plans, but hopefully you have learned that you CAN take some time for yourself.

We are heading into that wonderful time of outdoor cooking and family vactions. And what more is a fun end to an outdoor cookout than smores. But try them with a different flavor - instead of graham crackers, try some cookies - my favorite is Oreos! Fun to un-twist, lick out the frosting and then load them up with chocolate and a squishie marshmallow cooked just right.


May is just about over and my May for Me was my goal - and well accomplished. June goals include some UFO finishes, the next Modern Challenge piece needs finalization, and the new bag that I decided to move from May to June. My June looks light, but you know me, I love to add all those fun things that pop up.

I know Memorial Day is a few days away, but I will be taking the holiday weekend to spend with friends and family. Also, to reflect on some of the current events taking place. I will post the names for the give away and contacting winners on Saturday - but my next regular post will not be until June.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I could post a blank page for my sewing memories for May.....LOL

  2. Enjoy your holiday weekend Sharon. x

  3. Ahhh - Summertime - have a lovely weekend surrounded by family and friends. Judy C

  4. Sharon, your quilts are amazing! Love how May for Me turned out for you!!

  5. Your projects are amazing! How long does it take you to hand quilt a lap size quilt?
    Enjoy your weekend!!!!!

  6. Sharon love reading your posts! Have a wonderful weekend and take time for you! I am planning to take 3 days for me and camp with my family and sew Tonya's quilt along all in one weekend, as I have been busy with my Mom. I am ready to take time for me! Smell the roses, my fabric and the fresh air of the Mississippi river on the west edge of Wisconsin.
    See you in June! Who is going to host the "June and July Jubilee"? LOL

  7. You've certainly had a busy month and you got so much beautiful stuff done!
    Love the S'Mores idea with cookies. I'm going to try that!

  8. Love how your Mystery quilt has turned out! So pretty! Have a wonderful, restful holiday weekend. See you in June!
    Jacque in SC

  9. Your quilt is so cute! I think hand quilting is perfect for it. I look forward to seeing what you do. I've never hand quilted one.

    I love the smores idea and I cannot wait for Amy to wake up so that I can tell her about Oreo smores. We will be making them.

  10. I enjoyed visiting and seeing all of your fun sewing projects...thanks for sharing with us! And...thank you, so very much for reminding us about Memorial Day!


  11. When I was a kid, we made s'mores with saltines and dark chocolate. After my husband told me that was just "wrong" (he eats his with graham crackers and milk chocolate), I compared the calorie counts of each - the saltines and dark chocolate has a LOT less calories - and is a yummy mix of salty and sweet. Plus dark chocolate is good for you - a great way to justify a sweet treat!!

    Now I gotta go to the store and get stuff for s'mores.....

  12. I have enjoyed you May for me post so much this month. Your panel quilt is wonderful. Hope you have a great weekend!!

  13. One can never have enough ideas on how to enhance Oreos! I can't wait to try it!
