
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I Missed a Few

I was tickled that so many enjoyed the FUN monthly special days. I was gently reminded of a few others. I really need to address two important ones - no I really didn't forget, I was waiting for my first March posting.


I needed the work space, so went ahead of the group and assembled the entire quilt top for Melissa's Happy Quilting quilt along. It needs a couple of borders to make it twin size. I really love how this looks - might just have to make another one of these. It isn't too late to join in - button is on the side.

This is a UFO challenge list project for one of my on-line groups. It is a HST (half square triangles) quilt made from layer cakes. I think the LC was from Connecting Threads - Hearth and Home. I just need to hand sew the binding and done. My Moda Charm project has gone off to the long armer to play with. Then I will have that binding.


I liked the HST quilt, that it inspired me to finally cut into the FQs I got from my grandson for Christmas. First heavily starch and press your fabric as you will be ending up with bias edges on all your squares. I just matched 2 FQ, layed right sides together (RST) and cut two 10" squares. The left over strip I will save for borders.

Sew a 1/4" all around the outside edges. I sew off edge, turn and start on new edge, repeat - all four edges. Chain sewed all these right thru. Then cut your squares on both diagonals. Remember, lots of bias, carefully press to darkest side.

Now to play - you can make pinwheels. (actually this is what I am going to use)

Or you can mix them up. I didn't think to show them in a triangle row. Just have FUN. Each HST will square up to 6.5", so joining 4 together will give you a 12.5" unfinished block - to help you with figuring size.


I have a long way to go. The fabric was on the table for a bag project, I just used it to 'frame out' the cross stitch and to cut down on the glare. I have my SIL working on a small piece, but she wouldn't let me show it.

The March wind roars
Like a lion in the sky,
And makes us shiver
As he passes by.
When winds are soft,
And the days are warm and clear,
Just like a gentle lamb,
Then spring is here."
- Author Unknown

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I am loving the Happy Quilting QAL top, Sharon. I have bookmarked it for a later date. No time to do much of anything at the moment. Life has been a little busy over here.

  2. Finally catching up with my blog reading... sorry I missed your last few days. But I enjoyed the read tonight! :)

  3. Wow, you have lots on the go! They look great. I haven't tackled triangles yet....still working with the square corners!

  4. You always have so much going on. Love the Happy Quilting top - green is my favorite.

  5. I added National Quilting Day to my calendar. I will be buying me some fabric on that day! LOL! I love your cat fabric, how fun. Your Happy Quilt Quilt Along looks so great.
