Sunday, April 3, 2022

Diamonds in the Rough


All 54 diamonds - or square in a square - are progressing.  The last corner will be blues and they are all cut and ready once some time comes to chain them thru the machine.  Then they will need a trim, sewn into rows, and then added to the round robin project.

April Fools Day didn't play the trick, but waiting a couple of days to surprise us with this.  It warmed up later in the day to change things to rain and it was all gone by evening.  But it was an 'oh, not again' moment!

Sewingly Yours,



Nancy J said...

Still getting some snow, even down here there can be a very late fall, or in some years as early as May down south. Love the 54 pieces!!!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Ugh, more snow in April! Hopefully that won't happen here this year, although it has in the past. I am ready for spring!

Darlene S said...

Wow, 54 diamonds. Going to be stunning. You are making great progress.

Barbara said...

Great progress on your diamonds. Boo on more snow!

sewyouquilt2 said...

I know the snow is like the song 100 bottles of never ends lol